Growth and fattening
By making better use of nutrients, the animal is able to obtain faster growths and fattening and lower conversion rates, in addition to obtaining better and larger channels.
1. Object of the application
Due to stress situations caused by weaning, transfer to other facilities, etc. Among the most frequent problems of fattening ruminants, we find the delay with which they begin their feeding in conditions of getting the desired growth weights.
In turn, after weaning, the onset of feed intake is usually complicated since ruminants at an early age experience digestive disorders.
With the administration of PROBISAN RUMINANTS in the growth and fattening of these animals their ruminal function is improved and stabilised, which contributes to episodes of digestive origin, (tympanisms, acidosis, laminitis, etc.) not leading to serious problems, achieving this digestive stability even with the intake of high-energy feed.
By making better use of nutrients, PROBISAN RUMINANTS prepares the animal to be able to obtain faster growths and fattening and lower conversion rates, in addition to obtaining better and larger channels.
3. Dosage
Dosage in lactating calves
Upon the entrance of pastoral calves it is recommended to incorporate 3 kg per ton of compound feed, for an average period of two weeks.
Then the recommended doses are 1 kg per ton of compound feed until the desired weight is reached.
Dosage in cows
The dosage for adult cattle in feed is maintained at 1 kg/tonne.
Dosage in lambs and kids
For sheep and goats the dosage is similar, 1 kg/tonne of compound feed.
Dosage in sheep and goats
We maintain the dosage, 1 kg/tonne of compound feed.