PentaBiol has been rated as one of the most innovative projects in the animal feed sector of the European Union.

European innovation
Acquired immune deficiency problems in human health: a priority concern in the EU
One of the most serious issues about which the European Union is frankly concerned refers to the problems of acquired immunodeficiency that manifest themselves in human health as a result of the ingestion of meat and agricultural products that have affected the behaviour of our genetic system, generating various diseases, variants of cancer, and quantitatively and qualitatively enhancing the virulence of certain symptomatologies that had always had a lower incidence.
With previous antecedents and in line with this concern, the European Union continues to take decisive steps to reduce the preventive and therapeutic application of antibiotics, in fact since 1 January 2017, it has been applying regulatory measures by which it is intended that these practices have to be reduced as a preventive treatment included in animal feed formulations and on the other hand increase the controls of these treatments when they have a therapeutic nature.
One Health. Precision farming
PENTABIOL was born as a pioneering bio-tech company whose aim was to promote new technologies that were able to provide solutions to the global health problem, not only human, but also animal, and hence the common consequences for our population.
This was our original slogan from the very beginning of the company "animals that grow healthy feed healthy people" and this is the common criterion that has now become established in our society, a single health, One Health, animal and human as a global concept.
The guidelines for achieving this concept are based on new management models for production processes based on circular economy and sustainability criteria, in which we are fully involved, being considered, due to our collaborative interaction in the optimisation and implementation of the intestinal microbiota, point 0 at the beginning of the development of this value chain, in short, we are the first step in the food chain.
This is what is currently known as Precision farming, management models involved in the improvement of production, only if this means an improvement in animal health and welfare.

Research and innovation
After the presentation of our line of work for the research and design of postbiotic products to the European Commission within the H2020 SME Instrument Programme, the company was selected in the 2nd phase in the call of 14 April 2016 within the topic Sustainable Food Security, under reference European project H2020 under the SME instrument with Ref. 733627 - HEALTHSTOCK SMEINST-2-2016.
This European project involves the financial support of the European Union with the aim of implementing new working models, new innovative products and knowledge techniques on the markets that not only bring economic and technological improvements, but also social and environmental improvements both in Europe and in third countries outside the EU.
"The main objective of our development is to improve the digestibility of animals to enhance their productive capacity, modulate their immune system, and reduce the use of antibiotics".
Hence the importance of our project for the development of products capable of naturally improving not only the utilisation of nutrients to generate healthier and potentially more productive animals, but also capable of stimulating the animals' own immune defences to improve their health and therefore human health.
Within the scope of the awarding of our project, collaboration agreements have been developed with different national and international technology centres and universities, the UNIVERSIDAD AUTONOMA DE BARCELONA (EU) with its technology centre IRTA-CRESA, the UNIVERSITY OF ZHEJIANG (CH), the UNIVERSITY OF VALENCIA (EU), the UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH DAKOTA (U. S.A.), UNIVERSIDAD MIGUEL HERNANDEZ DE ORIHUELA, UNIVERSIDAD PUBLICA DE NAVARRA, UNIVERSIDAD DE ZARAGOZA, UNIVERSIDAD DE NAVARRA, CENTRO NACIONAL DE TECNOLOGÍA Y SEGURIDAD ALIMENTARIA (CNTA), SERVICIO REGIONAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y DESARROLLO (SERIDA) and various other agreements with companies in Holland, Italy, Spain, Morocco, Mexico, and Portugal.
All these trials have been carried out on different animal species, confirming the positive results of our postbiotics in terms of production and health.