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Through this technology the stimulation of the animal's immune system is favoured, improving productivity and food conversion


What is a Postbiotic

The product resulting from transforming the structure of a certain microorganism culture through an industrial fermentation process, to generate a new structure formed by by-products derived from the previous one, metabolites, is what is currently known as POSTBIOTIC.

Due to its behaviour, it greatly favours animal health, achieving the double objective of enhancing the productive results of farms and reducing the preventive application of medicines, mainly antibiotics.

The resulting metabolites are linked to a plant substrate and after their intake is when the postbiotic action in the digestive system begins, which is carried out in the form of metabolites (among others, organic acids such as lactic and acetic acid, and various vitamins of group B). These metabolites are generated during successive liquid and solid, aerobic and anaerobic fermentations to which the product is subjected.

This technology allows those changes which occur after the various fermentations to which we subject the different microorganisms, provide the product with the capacity to be able to adhere to the intestinal mucosa, acting as a barrier which controls the pathogenic bacteria, improving immune system stimulation, productivity, and food conversion through greater animal health.

It can be granulated or micronised without affecting performance, and does not need a suppression period.

It does not present a danger of contamination in the food chain, being a set of metabolites prevents the possible transmission of antimicrobial resistance

It is a product whose industrial manufacturing process and marketing has the GMP+ certification.

Its presentation and registration is in accordance with the current Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/1017 on the catalogue of raw feed materials, in Glossary of treatments, point 28.

How it Work

How a Postbiotic works

Postbiotic products are an innovative line of work in the face of the application and habitual use of live bacteria structures; that is, although they belong to the same niche market, they are not probiotics, they are not prebiotics, they are not yeasts, their performance being much more complex and complete.



Generated since the transformation of a culture of microorganisms, it is designed to obtain the advantages of the metabolites produced during this process to achieve a better use of nutrients, which increases the potential capacity of the productive yield.



By the fermentation process itself, microorganisms are transformed, thus acting in the form of metabolites on the digestive system, which contributes to a stabilisation of their results against the instability which structures of living organisms can offer.



Due to its characterisation, enzymatic structure, vitamin B complex, and amino acids, there is a better adaptation of the animal by reducing the acceptance times of the food by it.



The optimisation of the microbial population of the digestive tract allows better use of nutrients, which not only enhances the productive results of animals, but also stimulates their immune system.

During the digestive process, this greater immunity reduces the generation of elements which are pernicious for the organism and allows us to progressively reduce the preventive application of medications.



By improving digestive health, the utilisation of nutrients is increased, which translates into a better functioning of the animal's internal activity, which is reflected in an improvement in liver function, an anti-inflammatory effect, and an improvement in reproduction quality


Their action is preventive and in any case seeks to anticipate animal health problems by stimulating their immune defences so that the animal has a greater ability to cope with diseases.  Its purpose is not to act as a medicine, although it can also contribute to greater effectiveness of its application.


Postbiotics Characteristics

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It is a fermented product, stabilised on cereals of non-transgenic origin (NON-GMO).

The entire manufacturing and marketing process is GMP+ certified.

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It can be administered to different animal species

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It facilitates the process of digestion of animals and encourages the regeneration of the animal's own microbiota

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By taking better advantage of the nutrients provided by the ingestion of the feed, it allows the animals to increase their productive yields, thus reducing the costs of their feeding.

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More effective than certain probiotics (living organisms), since the acting metabolites are the result of the inactivation of lactic bacteria and yeast after the fermentation process.

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Its effects can be enhanced as it can be enriched with basic trace elements

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The properties of the substrate obtained are maintained in the feed which the animal usually eats, whether presented as flour or granulate, without reducing its effects.

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In the first days of life, it optimises the development of microbial flora in the digestive tract, promoting immunity at weaning time. It also has an anti-stress effect when moving animals.

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It is adaptable to the different needs of each animal and each species. Different types of application can be generated since a wide range of complementary materials can be included

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The improvement effects are noticeable, depending on the species in relatively short periods, 15/25 days in small animals, and in other animals according to their production cycle

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The supply of postbiotics does not require a special diet, it is effective with any type of diet.

Healthier Animals

Healthier animals

One of the main instruments used to stabilise conversion rates has not only been the palliative application of medications when an animal became ill, but also the preventive application of those medications, mainly antibiotics, so that the animal did not become ill and it maintained a capacity of considerable productivity.

However, the consequences of this use have been perniciously transferred to human health; the emergence in the current generations of new diseases, proliferation of different variants of cancer, allergies, high blood-glucose levels, etc., all verified by the medical population, by the various situations of acquired immunodeficiency and genetic alterations generated in people involuntarily, through the intake of meat and agricultural products handled in post productivity.

The different public bodies, both in the European Union and in other territorial areas, are aware of this and are regulating a drastic reduction of the application of medicines in animal feed, because they know where the problem lies. Hence the origin of the beginning of the change: this is the point when the radical change of the market orientation is taking place…

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